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Last Updated:
10/27/2020 12:42 PM



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Sweet dog that needs an active lifestyle, ranch or someone that hikes and /or runs, he's not a dog that just hangs out in the back yard. Another dog with his energy level would work. Oreo has that Border Collie intensity that needs an energy outlet....read more about Oreo
Rhett is a sweet boy, good with all dogs. He is deaf and has some slight vision impairment. He gets around fine andcreslly doesn't know he's a little different. He's young and very smart.
This is Sharkey our happy, energetic, sometimes annoying, always busy, occasionally snuggly little muttmeister. Sharkey is a dog who tries you to the end of your patience and then smacks you in the face with love and devotion making you forget you we...read more about Sharkey
Lefty is a sweet guy, loves to play with other dogs. Has a lot of personality. He is an active dog.
For RES-QUE: Meet Snow, a female Labrador Retriever mix who does not have one white hair in her beautiful black coat. She's approximately 13 months old, very much a puppy still, is house trained, crate trained, and loves dogs of every size and gend...read more about SNOW
This is Atlas, he's approximately 1-2 years old. He has been with Res-Que about 3 to 4 weeks and our awesome fosters have been evaluating him. Its time to introduce him and announce he is adoptable. We would love a Rottweiler savvy home or at the ver...read more about Atlas

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