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Last Updated:
10/27/2020 12:42 PM


Become A Foster Request

Thank you for wanting to help a dog in need, we promise this can be a very rewarding experience.  Res-Que is a foster based rescue and without people like you, we cannot do what we do.  We pay for everything for our foster dog(s) in your care and the biggest contribution you make is helping to transition this dog into its next chapter in life.  We get dogs from all different situations including; shelters, owner surrenders, hoarding situations, other rescues and each dog is unique and different. We ask that you follow through until the final adoption of your foster dog as you know him or her the best and you have the knowledge and experience of living with the dog.  Following through means you speak to potential adopters, you help with the home check, meeting new family members including pets in the home to the final adoption. We also ask that you take your foster dog to vet visits (usually drop off). We consider our foster families our family and we want to make the experience worthwhile for all involved. 

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