Blinkin is a sweet little sight impaired girl, she's still very puppy like at about 9 months old and the shelter she came from had her as a Long haired Dachshund/Chihuahua mix, she is extremely sweet. Blinkins ideal home would be quiet, another confident dog her size, no young children (she can nip when startled) a home without a lot of changes or clutter and not a lot of stairs. She is very good at getting around and has no idea she is a little different, she is just a happy little puppy, although she can be a little reserved when meeting new people.
More about Blinkin
Good with Dogs, Good with Cats, Good with Older/Considerate Kids Only, Good with Adults, Quiet, Requires a yard, Cratetrained, Likes to play with toys, Apartment OK, Playful, Affectionate, Goofy
Special Needs: Sight impaired
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